Saturday, March 16, 2013

A "Variety" of Eggs

Hen Honcho Hoots: "Super Spring!" 

Galien, Michigan. It was announced today from Busy Solitude Farm, home of the Beautiful Egg, that spring has arrived a week early. The hen team worked overtime to produce three dozen eggs in the past week -- "simply unprecedented production" was how Proprietor Johanna "The Egg Lady" described it. 

Easter Bunnies hoping to fill their baskets with beautiful pastel blue, green, and brown eggs should place their orders now, or risk resorting to bland, old grocery store eggs and vinegar dye.


anno said...

Wow!!! Those are gorgeous!

Sherry said...

Very, very nice. You must have lots of chickens!

The JR said...

I jealous, I've never gotten a pink one. The blue/green, yes. Cream colored too.