Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Grim Sign of Spring

When I went out to close up the barn this evening, I discovered upset chickens.  At first I dismissed their behavior. But on second look, I discovered that one of my speckled Sussex hens had been murdered.

I suspect that a raccoon is looking for food for babies.  My challenge will be to trap the raccoon before it can kill another chicken.

This is war.

Ulani Casts a Shadow

The sun broke through and Ulani took a stroll. Such beautiful light!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Barnard Basks!

A ray of sunshine swept across Barnard's chair at the dining table, and she took full advantage by turning every which way to soak up the spring warmth.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

A "Variety" of Eggs

Hen Honcho Hoots: "Super Spring!" 

Galien, Michigan. It was announced today from Busy Solitude Farm, home of the Beautiful Egg, that spring has arrived a week early. The hen team worked overtime to produce three dozen eggs in the past week -- "simply unprecedented production" was how Proprietor Johanna "The Egg Lady" described it. 

Easter Bunnies hoping to fill their baskets with beautiful pastel blue, green, and brown eggs should place their orders now, or risk resorting to bland, old grocery store eggs and vinegar dye.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Silly girl!

One night this past week I awoke with a start, feeling clearly that something was wrong.  I heard something.  A breathing sound.  To my left.

That can't be, I thought.  There's only a small space between the bed and the wall to my left.  Anything breathing would be on the bed, or on the right side where the floor is covered with a comfy rug, and the door out of the bedroom is always open.

But it could not be ignored.  Something was breathing to my left.  So I turned on the light.

There stood Ulani in the small space between the bed and the wall.  And when the light came on, she shook her head as if awakening, paused a moment to get her bearings, then backed up, turned around, and quickly walked to the other side of the bed before jumping up and laying her head on the pillow.

Silly sleepwalking girl!