Last year a number of people asked if they could buy a copy of my calendar, so this year I have ordered a limited number of extras, now available for $20 (which includes postage).
The cover is a bit misleading as it's the only black and white photo in the calendar! Here are a few samples of the inside.
January includes my famous snow path to the barn. I'd like to think that this was a once-in-a-lifetime shot, but I rather expect that I'll be looking down that path again, and soon!
July's clouds juxtaposed against the mowing grid on the grass.
A late afternoon in September features the dried grasses near my back door.
Each month has a different view of the Busy Solitude Barn. In deference to my aging eyes, I made the dates super large this year -- you can look up from your desk and actually see what the date is without squinting!
If you enjoy the rural life, I think you would enjoy having one of these calendars on your wall.