Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Walkies

When cabin fever sets in, there's just one solution -- WALKIES!  Oskar and Ulani tolerate only so much couch time before they begin to call out to their brethren.  Bark!  Bark bark!  Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!

It's tedious.

So even in the midst of a 8-12 inch lake effect snow event, I find it most useful to grab a leash and take them for walks.  Oskar is much slower than Ulani these days, so taking the dogs for walks means they each get one mile and I get two.  Our house is situated on the west end of our walking territory.  That means that if we head east, the first half of the walk is with the wind.  Doesn't take a genius to realize that means that the second half of the walk is into the wind.  Every time.  The alternative is to walk north or south.  When we do that, one cheek gets the wind going, the other coming back.

It's invigorating.  Really.

Today Ulani's walk was uneventful.  We raced out half a mile.  Then we raced back to the house.  Even she seemed more determined than normally to come straight home.

I decided to walk south with Oskar.  It's a shorter distance, easier for him.  We walked down no problem, reached the house where he sniffs whatever's left from their Monday morning trash pickup.  But the road was covered in ice, and as we headed back north, he slipped and fell.  Since he usually walks a bit behind me on the return trip, the first I knew of the problem was that the leash went taut.  There was an oncoming truck.  I quickly moved into the road in front of Oskar and the truck pulled into the other lane.  I had to give Oskar a belly lift to get him up with four legs under him.  He stomped a few times, then we headed out again.

The rest of our walk was uneventful.

Now the dogs have had their supper and they are dozing.  The house is peaceful.  And my cheeks are almost back to normal.


MaryEllen Schneider said...

As the saying goes, "Growing old ain't for sissies." Hugs to Oskar.

The JR said...

Oh sweet boy, so sorry you fell down.

Anonymous said...

Your determined face appears a bit wacky, would have loved to see you after your wacky walk. Two walks that is. Ulani and Oscar own one commited mistress. Lucky dogs.