It was a beautiful Indian summer Sunday morning. Enjoying my coffee while surveying my estate, I thought to myself...

Soon the neighbor farmer will cut down the cornstalks, and once again I'll see cars approaching on Pardee Road. And that's alright, because in the winter we need as much company as we can get out here in the middle of nowhere.

And soon the leaves I've piled almost three feet deep in the reformed rabbit run will begin to decay, preparing themselves for next year's garden.

And soon the garlic will sleep under its cover of straw, holding tight to the soil with the roots it's already put in. I look forward to five varieties of deliciousness from this bed next July!

Soon whatever lives down these holes in the cabbage patch will go to sleep for the winter. Won't it? (By the way, if you know what lives down holes this size and builds up little "volcanoes" around the entries, please let me know!)

Soon the flowers on the septic prairie will fade and lose their color, but the seeds they leave behind, and the grasses, will feed the birds all winter long, attracting them to the yard so we can enjoy their colors and songs.

Soon the final cabbages will be pulled from the cabbage patch and tossed to the chickens, roots and dirt and all, for their very own Thanksgiving feast.

And soon Luke will prefer sleeping on the couch to sleeping on the yard steps.
But today, in this beautiful Indian summer weather, we did our best to enjoy all these things that the summer brought us. Thank you summer!
Ahhh, yes, it was a gorgeous fall weekend here in the city, too. Days just don't get any better than this.
We had a beautiful weekend. Those holes remind me of crawfish holes.
Love your beautiful weathered barn. Great photos!
Here in Kentucky those holes are called crawdad/crawfish holes.
Crawfish is not a bad guess. There is a wildlife-filled creek that runs not far from my property. I'm also wondering about moles. I think we have them, too. I just hope whoever it is won't be hanging around eating my garden next spring!
I love this post and love the pictures. Thanks for sharing...
Thanks, Gramma Judy! Like all your quilts, too. That's a lot of work. Maybe someday I'll be able to retire and work on a quilt again!
And by the by, I think they're mole holes, not crayfish. We do have crayfish here, but the dogs have occasionally brought me a dead baby mole, so I think it's more likely.
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