The new babies are about a week old and Mama Hen takes them out to stroll around the coop regularly. But when dusk falls, it's back to the nest to cuddle up safe and warm.

Look how proud they are to show off in front of the big chickens! They act all grown up until something startles them, then whistle piteously until Mama calms them down with her clucking.
They're in charge of their own grooming already, happily dusting themselves alongside Mama, then preening their feathers before bed.

Just before they dive into their downy featherbed, they look back as if to say "G'night now!" Sweet dreams, peeps!
great pics!!
Oh, they're so sweet. I love the little face peeking out.
These chicks are so photogenic! Not particularly shy (as long as Mama is nearby), so I get good access. Might do a postcard with the peeky peep!
Love the 1st picture. They are too cute.
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