C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! You're always posting about the chickens and stupid ducks. The only good duck is a stuffed duck -- everybody knows that! What is the deal with you anyway?
Why don't you post about all the great stuff we find on our walks? The delicious cat poop by the farm of the cows! Oskar and I both love that, I'm sure others would, too, if you would just share! The squashed frog I rolled in this morning was delightful! Don't you think your friends would like to live vicariously along with me? What about the day at Moocows and Horsies up the road when all those baby cows were out in the pen with their mommies and they started running around? That was one of the most exciting days of my life! Did that show up on your stupid blog? NO! I think people would get excited about that, too. C'mon, give 'em a chance!
Just last night was an exciting episode I see nothing about here. When we went outside and that black dog was in the backyard, looking at your precious chickens? Boy, if you had just opened the gate me and Oskar would have chased him right through the corn. I almost climbed over the fence, didn't you see me?
I think you have some poultry-loving disease. I could make your stupid blog a lot more interesting for people who care about the right things. Just let me write a column. C'mon, give me a chance.
Respectfully submitted,
U La La Ulani de Guerande
Ed. note: I will give your request due consideration and get back to you. JH