The baby pen was overcrowded -- an understatement! Can you believe how big those ducklings are?
I spent Saturday morning building out a pen for them within the chicken pen in the barn. Now, no one will ever confuse me with a carpenter -- "square" and "plumb" don't enter my vocabulary! But what do chicks and ducks care from square and plumb? They just wanted to be able to walk around, and I want them to get some distance from the water!
Here they are taking the inaugural constitutional around the new pen. Now their kennel is about an inch above the floor, keeping them warm and dry. And they have the opportunity to peer out at the adult chickens. I hope they'll get used to each other before I leave the door open for them to mingle.
Those ducklings are so cute!!
Nice large pen! You did a good job! I build things that are not plumb or straight all the time. The ducks won't care.
They are cute. You know I feel really stupid right now. The light bulb just came on. I wondered why those toy rubber duckies were yellow.
Well, duh. Now I know.
you can not do that with geese. they sit down on the chicks and smother them. I am surprised the ducks did not sit down on the chicks and kill them. Geese do it all the time. You just can not allow baby geese to get near chicks.
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